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Python also has a large and supportive community with many online resources and documentation. Many tutorials, forums, and videos can help beginners get started with Python programming.
After reading this book, you’ll learn:
1. Python XML Parser
2. Python Network Programming
3. Send Email Via SMTP SMTP Server
4. Tkinter Tutorial
5. Python CGI Module & Functions
6. Threads, Locks, Functions of Multithreading
7. Multiprocessing Module With Example
8. Subprocess vs Multiprocessing
9. Regular Expression Functions
10. Python Database Access
11. Image Processing with SciPy and NumPy
12. Unit Testing With Python Unittest
13. Explore Logging File & Levels
14. Serialization in Python with Example
15. Hash Function, Virtualization & much more
16. Python PyQt5 Tutorial
I have explained every topic in the most simplest way and you can use these topics in multiple place

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[Image: download.gif]